Create, organize and share your gastronomic experiences with  the world

Why host on Foody

It’s free

Sign up on Foody, design your personal profile and provide food and wine experiences is totally free.

It’s easy

Organize gastronomic experiences and earn money sharing your passions or profession with travellers around the world.

It’s flexible

You absolutely decide everything about your experience: what to do, the price, your availability, the number of people.

It’s global and social

Reach millions of travellers around the world, meet new people, make new friends and practice languages.

3 types of Local host

The private person with a strong passion that sign up on foody, get involved and organizes authentic food and wine experiences in his city.

The tourist guide who takes advantage of this opportunity to organize food and wine experiences.

The food company that organize a gastronomic experience to get known it’s brand starting from the product.